Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Coffee Shop

The top image was taken by me in a local coffee shop.  The image on the bottom was taken by Martin Parr of MagnumPhotos.com.  Both of the images are similar in that they both take place in a coffee shop.  In addition, the colors in the image are very vibrant, even though the second image which was taken in the early 1990s.  Both individuals are interacting with some form of information-disseminating device - the top being a cell phone, and the bottom being a newspaper. 

The pictures show some of the significant differences that have happened in coffee shops over the past 20 years.  In the past, people would sit in the coffee shop and read a book or read the newspaper.  However, when one now enters a coffee shop, many more people are on their phones or using a laptop, and fewer people are reading the newspaper or reading a book.  In addition, the disposable cup in the top image is in contrast to the reusable cup in the bottom image, which shows society's "rushed" culture where food and coffee must be available to-go to enable people to get back to work. 

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